“If honor were profitable, everybody would be honorable.”
-- Thomas More
The Firm and its attorneys have extensive experience handling business and corporate disputes, representing companies and individuals (owners, shareholders, officers and directors, partners) in addressing, resolving, and when necessary litigating such disputes. The Firm attorneys have advised and represented businesses from some of the largest Fortune 500 corporations to small, sole-proprietor companies, in a wide variety of legal matters, as outside legal counsel and, Fran Spinelli, as an attorney in the corporate legal department of a major American corporation.
Fran and Roger Wilson have represented companies in defending lawsuits and as plaintiffs, in state and federal courts, in trials, pretrial litigation, mediation and arbitration. Roger has advised companies at the general-counsel level regarding international operations, such as export and import controls, antiboycott regulations, foreign assets controls, International Traffic in Arms Regulations, an the Foreign Agents Registration Act. Fran and he have represented corporations in defending multi-state litigation involving products liability and toxic tort claims.
As just a few other examples, Roger has represented companies and shareholders as plaintiffs in litigation arising from the acquisition of their small companies by larger companies. He has defended real estate holding companies in premises-liability actions, in commercial real estate litigation, and in a variety of business tort litigation. He has served on a panel of arbitrators in resolving a large, complex commercial litigation dispute. He has represented companies in seeking payment on commercial accounts, in negotiating pre-litigation cessation of trademark infringements, and enforcing judgments obtained against recalcitrant defendants. And he has represented Georgia commercial agents as plaintiffs in successfully suing out-of-state principals to recover thousands of dollars in unpaid commissions, including in enforcing judgments obtained on behalf of those clients by freezing and seizing assets of the defendant corporations in other states.
Fran has represented large and small corporations in hundreds of mediations.
Across varied substantive contexts, and from Fortune 500 to small local business, our approach is the same: provide the highest-quality representation as intelligently and efficiently as possible, always shaping our strategy and tactics to the particularized interests and goals of each client. It has been a recipe for success in all contexts.
1100 Peachtree Street, Suite 200, Atlanta, GA 30309